Wednesday, November 13, 2013


This wonderful game comes from a Danish developer called Playdead.  To delve into this game you have to be alright with figuring out the story as you go.  None of this "read the back of the case" sort of shenanigans.

Like I'm going to give you enough time to read it anyway.

You start off thrown into a black and white world of uncertainty.  Why am I here?  What am I doing?  I guess it's time to put one foot in front of the other.  This part really intrigued me.  I continually wanted to know more and more about what was going on, where I was (Semi-obvious, then again... Who knows?) and HOW I got there.
What do you mean how?

Of course, you are thrown into danger almost immediately.  You should know by now I give no spoilers, but I will say that the game pulls you in fast and hard.  The atmosphere is perfect for what is going on.  This does, however, end up being the single downfall of this game.

The dev is angry! THE DEV IS ANGRY!

The only issue I had with the game was the inability to know what parts of the map/game were... mobile/usable vs. hard set level pieces.  It became incredibly frustrating to have jumped on something that didn't move only to find (on the 2nd or 3rd try) that it was paramount to continuing on my journey.  Especially because it seemed I should have somehow known this log or what-have-you was there for my use.  Maybe that is how the developer wanted it.  I guess without an interview we'll never know.

Seriously?  Not even a little wobble or something?

That contention aside, the rest of the game is top notch.  The music that went with it (which we can thank Martin Stig Andersen for) perfectly fit every instance/situation.  The controls were almost a bit clunky, but it fit the feel of the game.  I mean, you're some dumb kid who is- Just kidding.  In all seriousness though, you're just some fucking kid.  Not some super soldier.  Not some genetically engineered badass.  You're just a kid in a story.

You will definitely be scratching your head at some of a puzzles so be sure to get ready for a few mulligans along the way.  Overall though, this game is fantastic.  Especially for only $10 on Steam.  I've gotten over 2 hours in and what's $5/hr?  Well... Probably over half of your hourly wage if you're reading this, but it's absolutely worth it.

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